December 16, 2023 Minutes
Capital View Neighborhood Association
December 16, 2023
Approved January 20, 2024
A meeting of the Capitol View Neighborhood Association was held at the Metropolitan Library on Saturday, December 16, 2023. The meeting was called to order by President Zach Adriaenssens at 10:32 a.m.
There were 22 attendees.
APD Report
Atlanta City Police Department gave their report that there are still Hyundais and Kias being broken into.
Overview of Elections
Dave Banta gave an overview of how elections were to be held. To run for a position, the candidate must be a member in good standing according to the By-Laws. This means an individual must have attended at least 3 meetings and paid their dues. In order to vote, an individual must have attended at least 2 meetings and paid their dues. To have a quorum to hold elections there must be 7 members in good standing plus the members of the Executive Committee (Zach Adriaenssens, Eric Jacobson, Dave Banta).
Zach Adriaessens reviewed the positions and their responsibilities that were being voted on. He then asked for nominations from the floor. The following people were nominated by the members:
President: Eric Jacobson was nominated by Alex Shindness.
Vice-President: Catherine White was nominated by Eric Jacobson
Secretary: Emily Griswold was nominated by Eric Jacobson. Brian Sumlin nominated himself.
Treasurer: Kevin O’Gara was nominated by Eric Jacobson
Year in Review
Zach Adriaessens presented a PowerPoint of the actions taken by CVNA during the past year.
Dave Banta announced that there was a quorum of members (22 voters) in good standing. It was agreed that the positions where only one person was nominated were elected by acclimation. After using Election Buddy, Emily Griswold was elected Secretary.